The Yoruba Demon Theory (YDT)

?What does being a Yoruba demon mean? I have asked around, I got different answers, but the common answer I got was "Heartbreakers". How true is that?, I heard from multiple sources that Yoruba men enjoy hurting women and cheating and breaking hearts and that they are so stingy and selfish in everything they do. It is funny, I know, but it is a subject that really interests me. Okay, fine, it is a terrible form of stereotyping, but how true is that?. I also heard that Igbo men on the other hand are perfect men, perfect husbands, perfect boyfriends and well, better lovers.           The only glitch in all these perfection is the fact that they tend to deny pregnancies more than the average Yoruba dem..err men. Also Igbo men will prefer stay home mothers, they like to have their food ready when they get home from work, they like to be the providers, this is what some women like, but what of the few women who actually want to work and not stay home cooking all day? Well, that's a problem. Yoruba men actually are comfortable with their women doing all the work for them and they reclining and being served with all the respect they do not deserve.
    There is a vast difference between the Yoruba man and his Igbo counterpart, where am I going with this? You ask, well it brings to mind to a disturbing issue that occurred recently. I'll tell the story according to my source but I'll hide the names to protect the identity of those involved, okay?.
    Some months ago, there was a party, a girl, I'll call her She, was invited by her yoruba boyfriend, I'll call him O, She came along with her sister, I'll call her A, O also invited a mutual Yoruba friend of the thiers', I'll call him H. Is that understandable?.
    She and H had a dark history, I am not at liberty to say, O knew about it but he promised he loved She and didn't care what the history was. For a while during the relationship between She and O, everything was fine, they talked everyday and every night about everything, they clearly were crazy about each other, then She met an Igbo guy, I'll call him C, She didn't feel about him strongly as she felt for her boyfriend, O, but she did care about C a lot and considering the fact that C was everything O wasn't and She wished him to be, it was easy to develop feelings for C. She still didn't let it affect her relationship with O because she told him about C, after an argument over the issue, it was settled, she was not to see C again. She agreed.
    Fast forward to the party, it was located out of town from where She and A lived
They travelled all the way and on that journey, O didn't call once to check on the girls, C on the other hand, kept calling very hour to see about their safety. They finally arrive there and they all wait for H. While they waited, the couple had an argument over lots of things, why he didn't call, why she was still talking to C, and things led to checking each others phones, well let's just say it was a long night. Finally, things calmed down a bit, with the help of A, of course, but clearly tempers were still hot.
    H arrives, the party starts, O hates She drinking alcohol, She doesn't plan to drink, but she is still mad at O and his cheating and lies, she also sees him chatting with a girl they had just fought about, so she figured what the hell, what was the point of doing what he wanted, so she drank... A lot. O got tired and drunk and went to bed early, she didn't stop, she couldn't bear lying beside the cheating ass. So she kept partying and dancing with H, yes the guy she had a dark past with, finally too drunk to keep up, she goes to bed, her sister is right there, she says goodnight and H helps her to bed beside O, he didn't stop there, he put his hand on her and touched her indecently, squeezed her nipple so hard, she made a muffled noise, she was too inebriated to scream or fight back, and H knew this, so he continued, he molested her with his fingers and when she weakly fought him off, H held her wrist above her head and held it down. It was over quickly, he probably was scared of being caught so he left the room singing all the way like nothing had happened. The next morning She woke up to pee and felt a stinging pain down there, then she remembered what had happened the night before, she was so hurt and angry, and waited till her boyfriend woke up, he would fight for her, she reckoned. When he did, she couldn't tell him to his face without being ashamed. She finally summoned courage to tell him in a text, his reaction wasn't as expected, he was angry at her! He blamed her! It wasn't his friend's fault! She got drunk when he ordered her not to!. She cried and blamed herself even more. But A made her understand that it wasn't her fault and nothing is good enough reason to be molested that way. O assured She that he would confront his friend, she didn't believe him, she knew he would chose his friend over her. She left with her sister that morning, her boyfriend gave her nothing.(stingy?)
     Some hours after she arrived home, O called ranting about the issue, he said H claimed that She seduced him, She put the moves on him, She asked for it. She was drunk, it was the perfect defence. O took his friend's side and blamed it on She. What more could She do, she decided that maybe he wasn't worth being her man, She decides to leave him.
     O still insisted that it was She's fault for getting drunk in the first place. After much words to each other, they decide to forget it happened. But She can not do that. It happened to her. She was violated. She needed him to be a man about the issue. She expected him to think. So she pretends like it's all fine, while she plots the break up. She believes O and H were in on it from the start. She believed that O didn't even confront his friend, he merely just asked. She believes that O and H are still good friends despite all. She believes she is better of without the Yoruba demon. She already has C, the Igbo Angel.
    I don't know if this story really happened or my source made it up, but I like the story and I sympathize with She.
   What does it have to do with the Yoruba Demon Theory? Everything. Apparently, O called himself a Yoruba Demon just a day after the incident. No man who isn't a player and cheat would take lightly his friend molesting a woman he loves. No man who isn't a lying and cheating ass would blame his woman for an assault on her womanhood. According to my source, She told C about it later and he was so upset, he held her and asked how she was feeling. Go figure. I do need more light shed on this Y.D.T. though.


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