She Needs To Know

There I was taking a sh*t and I hear someone  walk into the girls bathroom, I was in one of the stalls and she didn't know,  she came in saying "ouch ow argh" then she removed her panties and the way blood dropped from her so much. She was saying "I didn't know abortion was like this " I Just hid there afraid to come out so she won't be embarrassed. She was just moaning in pain,  I still hid there. I could hear blood dripping on the floor, as I sneaked to peep I saw the whole floor where she stood was bloody.  I couldn't hide any longer,  I came out and she started to cry, I thought to myself,  I should have just stayed hidden o.  But she needed help,  I asked her age,  she said she is 15 years old.  I wanted to cry and hold her at the same time. I helped her clean up. Told her to seat on the toilet and I ran to a chemist across the road to get her tampons, this blue kind they use for women after child birth I also got methylated spirit (don't ask me how I know what to do,  I am a woman), the pad was bloody expensive #EndTaxOnPad, anyway, came back to still see her crying in pains,  I honestly didn't know what to do.  So I began to talk to her to try and soothe her.  I locked the bathroom door and told her to lie down and I helped her stuff the soaked (I had sterilized it with Spirit) tampon in her, and then I cleaned up after her,  after that I wanted to talk to her,  why at 15 she has done this and is all alone. She had got pregnant by a boyfriend who is 21 and in the university, she is in secondary school.  She had called him and he had yelled at her to not call him again,  after crying and begging he had said he would call back,  he called back and told her not to worry that it can be removed,  it was simple. Told her to go to a certain chemist and tell him and the rest was history.  He had sent her money.  But he didn't come back as he had just resumed.  She kept the secret and was alone. After the procedure she left and because of the pain she entered the  first place she saw,  the diner where I was pooing in peace, I deduced that the chemist was close, I told her to take me there.  I intended to make his life miserable. I took her hand,  she was so scared,  even trembling. I was loving to her.  I already felt she was my daughter.  I also saw myself in her.  What would I have done at that age if I had got pregnant,  I saw the feral fear. The pain.  The shame and I knew her life would never be the same again. My heart broke for her.  And I was more determined to make them pay. Yes, she had her part played,  she had sex with her boyfriend unprotected. But she was a child. She needed to be taught and how many mothers are ready to teach their daughters these things.  We walked back to the chemist, same one I had just purchased pads,  and it's at these times I bless God for my bulk, I looked like her mother. He already was panicky but still tried to brave it.  I very calmly told him my name and my job,  I am a Media Personality, Radio Presenter and  Counselor. And he will be exposed. How could he do this to a child. He said he didn't know she was a child, She did not tell him. I asked him, did you ask questions!?  Did you ask about her Rhesus Factor.  Do you know if you have damaged her? You were to talk to her.  Get her help.  Not abort her baby when she clearly wasn't thinking.  I told him I was going to report him and expose using my platform on Radio.  He begged and begged.  He gave her drugs (that he hadn't given her before).  I told him we would go to check her at the hospital to know if her uterus had sheen affected,  the bleeding had been just too much, he reluctantly agreed to follow,  I took the key to his shop.  We went to a general hospital, again my ID card helped us get to a doctor quickly. We were referred to a gynecologist. And the wait was hell.  He took her in for tests and all that stuff, (Mr Chemist paid of course). And then we waited some more,  I wringing my hands and praying,  I hadn't prayed in a while.  Him pacing in agitation,  I could Just imagine his thoughts, his life was at stake. She laying her head on my laps,  she had just eaten and all the stress had her exhausted.  She was sleeping,  she was so beautiful. My Child.  I cradled her,  kept telling her it would be okay,  all the while,  praying I hadn't told her a lie.  Hours later. We were called in and the doctor told us.  He said she had some scarring on the uterus wall as the person who did it had no experience and messed it up.  He said she still had some fetal tissues that had to be flushed and he said she had a high chance of getting pregnant again,  in spite of all that.  I almost cried.  But then reality set in,  he still had to removed the tissues left In her.  When I explained this to "my child" she screamed,  she didn't Want to go through that again,  I pleaded and explained the consequences,  she didn't care.  I finally convinced her and she went with the doctor. Of course she wanted me there. I was,  I held her hand.  And how my child cried,  she looked up at me with those beautiful eyes filled with pain.  And I knew.  I knew with every bone in me that her life had been changed and mine too,  because I would never leave her alone, ever.
Everything was finished. She slept a while.  And when she was strong enough, I took her home, gave her some money and my number. And as for the chemist. No I didn't report him,  but he would never perform an abortion again.  Leave that to me. And her 21 year old boyfriend,  I got on the phone with him,  needless to say he will not contact her again and he has his own price to pay.  Leave that to me as well.

As for our Mothers please do not be afraid to talk to your daughters and sons about the dangers of unprotected sex.  About sex. About abortions. About contraceptive measures. Now you See 15 years isn't too early to know.  Yes,  we can not protect them from all hurt and dangers in life but we can do our best. We can do our part. 

Thank You for reading, this is a work of fiction which was inspired by events every close to this story.  It was written to address some issues affecting the girl child.  Issues like Abortion,  Price of Pads (because how do you expect a child of 15 to afford pads when she does need it)  and Unprotected  Premarital Sex. Do like,  comment and share.  A girl needs this.


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