So You Love To Shop(part two-The Main Event-)

Okay guys, the other day I told you about my shopping experience with my girlfriends, well the Main event came after that, the main event came about 4 months after that, I had been trying to shed some weight and I felt lighter, so when my significant other (yes my partner) proposed a shopping spree, I said yes without a thought, the thought I should have been thinking was: "I HAVE NOT LOST ANY WEIGHT!". But alas, I wasn't thinking. It was a Saturday morning, the previous night we went out for drinks, we had catfish pepper soup, and it was really good too, when we got home, we had wine, so on that Saturday morning, I was a little bit bloated but I wasn't going to turn down shopping because I felt sick. Off we went to this little boutique in town, it was new and the owner, Miss Mabel, swore that she had stuff that would be my perfect size, p.s they always do , I made it a point to ask, not because of what happened four months ago (I had all but forgotten about that...