
Showing posts from January, 2016

BEING THE OTHER WOMAN...diary of a mistress (2)

BEING THE OTHER WOMAN...diary of a mistress (2) I met Chief Olanrewaju Ademola, about three years ago, I was in the second semester of my third year in the university, I still hadn't met anyone I was interested in, don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with me, I am a really beautiful woman, and I did have some guys interested in me, 'toasters' as we called them, I just didn't find any of them appealing to my standards, I saw myself as really important, my wonderful father (of blessed memory) always told me "You are perfect, you are very beautiful and special, you are unique and the world might not understand you but do not let them change you or break you, you are stubborn but you have lots of love to give, do not change for anyone".     I remember the day he said that to me, I had just been in an argument with one of my teachers in Bright Stars nursery and primary school, she had written down some acronyms on the board and we were supposed to find

BEING THE OTHER WOMAN...diary of a mistress (1).

BEING THE OTHER WOMAN- diary of a mistress (1) Let me introduce myself, my name is Akunna Olumide, I am a yoruba-igbo lady living in Lagos, I am currently in service to Nigeria, I live alone as my dad is late and my mom lives back in my hometown of illorin in Kwara state, I am an only child. You might think my introduction unnecessary but I have just opened this diary and it is going to be for my eyes only until I die, then it can be giving out to my great grand kids or published or whatever, I wouldn't care, would I? Who am I kidding, do I actually think I'll have such a fulfilled life? Having not just kids but grand kids and great grand kids? Right now, the point I am at in my life, I very much doubt that. Don't get me wrong, I am quite happy, I am comfortable, I have everything I want as a lady, or so I think, I have great friends, my mom is old but loves me, what else can a girl need?.     Let me back up a little, I was born 26 years ago to Mr Titus Olumide and Mrs C

In A Country Where The Uniform Means Fear

    Something really peculiar happened last night, I don't know what to make of it or how properly to address it, all I know is it got me really upset and wondering where this country was headed to. Especially the military aspect of the country, are there no laws governing the military? Isn't there a body they answer to? Yes, yes I know they have superiors, but do they count? Because it seems these soldiers are out of control, they do whatever they like and intimidate the "bloody" civilians! Do they not realize that this is a democracy? It is a civilian government and even though the current president was once a Military Head of state, the military days are over?     I was in a bus to ijegun, I boarded the bus from Jakande Estate in Lagos state, while I was in the bus, as usual sitting by the window side, I noticed sudden movements, some people were running, buses on the lane swerving out of the way, then I saw that a local tout was swinging at bus drivers with a be

Is There An Acceptable Way To Reject A Guy?- From A Woman's Eyes

    Let's talk frankly, is there an acceptable way to tell a guy no?     I am honestly confused, a guy be blowing up your phones, stalking you, saying all the sweetest things just to get you, and when you don't fall for it and say a  simple No, they flip and rain abuses on you, "ugly girl, fat girl, thin girl, short girl" like she wasn't all that when you were following her like a lost puppy?.     Ladies have been trying to figure out a way to tell guys they are not interested without them getting all mad,figuring out ways to salvage men's misguided, if I may add, egos, let me look at some of the most popular ways that ladies have come up with: IM SORRY, I JUST GOT OUT A RELATIONSHIP     This one is not all that common because the first instinct a person has after a broken relationship is to jump back on the proverbial horse( this is wrong by the way). Hence, when a girl who is serious with her life just gets out of a relationship and not in a hurry to g