BEING THE OTHER WOMAN...diary of a mistress (2)

BEING THE OTHER WOMAN...diary of a mistress (2)

I met Chief Olanrewaju Ademola, about three years ago, I was in the second semester of my third year in the university, I still hadn't met anyone I was interested in, don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with me, I am a really beautiful woman, and I did have some guys interested in me, 'toasters' as we called them, I just didn't find any of them appealing to my standards, I saw myself as really important, my wonderful father (of blessed memory) always told me "You are perfect, you are very beautiful and special, you are unique and the world might not understand you but do not let them change you or break you, you are stubborn but you have lots of love to give, do not change for anyone".
    I remember the day he said that to me, I had just been in an argument with one of my teachers in Bright Stars nursery and primary school, she had written down some acronyms on the board and we were supposed to find the full meanings, I loved to do this because my Dad had really helped my vocabulary and I read a lot. The next day, the day of submission, I gave my answers proudly, expecting her to call me out to the front of the class and instruct the class to give me a standing ovation for getting all the answers right, so I sat there with a Cheshire cat grin on my pudgy face, in my sparkling uniform. She did call me out, quite alright, but it was to humiliate me. You see, number seven of the questions was R.S.V.P ------ and I wrote Répondez s'il Vous Plait, that's what I had read somewhere, but she said I was a know-it-all and that the answer was Rice and Stew Very Plenty, that sounded so ridiculous and I said so, we got into an argument, I wouldn't give up, I insisted that I was right and she was wrong, she all but hit me that day, she told me to leave her class, I reported her to the headmaster, she was summoned and when the case was laid before the headmaster, I was proven right, and I gloated over that little victory, from then on that woman hated me and kept calling me big mouth, I didn't care, I won. After school that day, I got home to find that my father had been contacted my my teacher, and she told him her own incomplete side of the story, but my darling father listened to my side, trusted me and said those words that I was never to forget. Now where was I? Ah yes, so I knew I was very choosy when it came to men, something my best friend, Uju, found really annoying, she had got engaged and was really bent on me having a boyfriend before she graduated as she was in her final year.
    But then I met Lanre, and everything changed, you know all those corny things you read in those romance books, those feelings became real to me, butterflies fluttering in your stomach, your heart skipping a beat, your lungs for some reason malfunctioning so you can't breathe properly, it was all so real, I never did believe in fairytales but this was different, I knew I was in love, I just didn't know love was not that simple.
    It was a sunny friday afternoon, I had no classes that day so I planned to make my hair, I had just left the salon, I braided my hair, and it was lovely, so I decided I wasn't just going to go back to the hostel and not let people see the hair, so I began to stroll out of the campus, I just walked lazily, no real destination, on second thought I decided to get some money from the bank for the weekend, not that I actually needed money but I just didn't want to go back into my hostel so early, I got the bank and as I was filing out the withdrawal slip, I felt a pair of eyes on me, you know that feeling you get when someone has been staring at you for a while, I looked up and saw him, he was at the customer help desk, the banker on seat was talking to him but he wasn't paying attention, he was looking across at me, then he smiled and nodded, I shyly looked down, I was so surprised at myself ( I have never been shy in my life). I finished filling my slip, trying really hard to fight the urge to look over at him and went over to the bulk room and withdrew my money, all the while thinking about him, the teller was unbearably slow, I had hoped he'd still be there when I came out but he wasn't. I was so disappointed and berated myself for even feeling that way.
    I walked out of the bank into the sun and there he was leaning against a big car, when he saw me, he straightened, I walked on, pretending I didn't notice he was trying to get my attention, then he said, "Excuse me, miss" , his voice was so soft yet authoritative, a voice that was accustomed to being listened to, I stopped and turned to face him, feigning oblivion, " Yes? Good afternoon", I said.
"Hello, I am sorry to disturb you like this, but I was waiting for you to come out".
"Okay, is there something I can help you with?".
"I hope so", he smiled " I would want to have some minutes with you, I must sound like a stalker to you, but I'm not, I just would want to talk to you for a minute, and I am sure you wouldn't like to be seen standing out here talking, am I right?"
I was mildly amused, how can a man his age babble to talk to a girl, I imagined he talked with numerous women everyday, because he was really good looking, not an ounce of fat in sight and he looked fit and healthy: no pot belly, good skin, tall, a two-day stub of beard, folds on the back of his neck, clean teeth, so I couldn't imagine why he would be nervous to talk to me, anyway, that endeared me to him, so I told him I didn't mind talking to him, then he smiled, a boyish smile that I am now so used to, a smile that makes me warm in the face, a smile that makes me forget why I'm made at him whenever we fight, I am getting carried away again!.
    He walked ahead of me over to the passenger's side and opened the door for me, I got in, he went around and got in then he drove to an eatery just across the road, there we sat and talked, he is a good conversationalist, he did most of the talking, I just listened, answered the questions he asked me and laughed a lot, we spent close to 6 hours there just talking. Finally, I reluctantly mentioned that I had to be back in my hostel, because my roommate would be worried ( Uju had actually been calling endlessly but I kept my phone on silent, I didn't want anything to interrupt this moment), he said there was no problem, he drove me to my hostel at the car park, he kissed me on the cheek, held my hand and shoved something in it, it was money, I was so shocked, I didn't need it but I didn't refuse it, I just mumbled a "Thanks, but you shouldn't have", he smiled again, and my heart was racing. He mentioned that he was traveling for the weekend and he wanted me to use the money for whatever I might need during the weekend, he promised to call immediately he got back, I mumbled again.
    Before I could make a total fool of myself, I quickly got down and bid him a goodnight and wished him a safe trip. I walked away from the car, knowing full well he was still sitting there staring at me, my legs were so stiff as I walked to my room, when I was out of his sight, I squealed and ran the rest of the way, I let myself into the room and just laid flat on my back in Uju's bed, panting and laughing, Uju was just staring at me.
"Wetin dey do this one, where you go? Was it not the salon you said you were going to that you're coming back by this time? Babe you no try o, I was really worried, and you didn't answer your phone!
" You won't understand! Uju baby, I just met the most wonderful man ever! He just dropped me off and gave me this!", I thrusted the roll of cash on her laps, she counted it and almost screamed.
"Fifty thousand naira! In this critical time? Did you do anything?" She asked narrowing her eyes suspiciously. I immediately sat up, my eyes wide in surprise, I didn't count the money, I didn't know it was that much, I would have refused it. Then I told my friends everything that had happened. She was still suspicious of the man, her way of being protective, but she was genuinely happy for me.
    That night I waited for him to call me to let me know he had arrived home safely, he didn't call, but he texted to tell me he was home and he was thinking of me, I read and read it over and over again, then I replied saying I had a great time and was thinking of him too, and thanked him for the gift even though it was unnecessary. I waited for his reply, till I fell asleep. I woke up and checked my phone immediately, there were no messages or any missed call from him, I only got two missed calls from my mother asking when I would come home for the weekend and if I would come with Uju, I called her back and told her we would soon be on our way.
    I was disappointed but I knew he was traveling and figured he would be busy, so I texted to wish him a safe trip, it delivered but he didn't reply. I started to feel a cold clutching pain in my chest, I tried to shrug it aside, I mean I had just met the guy, but I couldn't, I was broken. Uju and I went to my home, she knew I wasn't happy, she knew me too well, but she wisely didnt ask questions, just held my hand. I got home and tried to hide it from my other bestfriend, my Mother, she knew immediately that something was wrong, I lied that school work was really stressful, if she didn't buy that, she didn't show it. All through that weekend, I kept my phone on, waiting for a call from Lanre, he never called.



  1. Hmmn love at first sight.. Let's see how it ends

    1. Yes o, I can't wait to see how it ends as well, thanks for your comment,

  2. Replies
    1. My dear, I don't know o, but from what she's saying, I think she is really infatuated with the idea of being in love, what do you think?

  3. I really don't know i'll be so much into this but it was worth the time I love it dear...can't wait for the next and post it intime #anticipating


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